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Environmental protection activities
and efforts towards the SDGs

RAMXEED is committed to systematic and ongoing sustainable environmental management based on our policy "With our customers, we contribute to the protection of a rich global environment".

Environmental Policy

With our customers, we contribute to the protection of a rich global environment, using state-of-theart technology to provide semiconductor memories and solutions with superior environmental characteristics.

Operational Principles

By applying the following principles, we work to prevent pollution of the global environment and reduce the environmental burden of our products throughout their lifecycles, including development, procurement, manufacture, sales, usage, and disposal:

  • 1.We develop products with outstanding environmental characteristics.
  • 2.We promote proper management of chemical substances contained in products, packaging materials, etc.
  • 3.We promote measures to counteract climate change and effective utilization of resources.
  • 4.We conform to environmental regulations around the world and keep our promises to customers.
  • 5.We promote activities to make environmental and social contributions, and to consider biodiversity.
  • 6.We effectively and continually improve our environmental management system, and work hard to improve our environmental performance.

August 1 2022
Kagemasa Magaribuchi President

ISO14001 Certificate

We acquired the certification of ISO14001 which is the international standard of Environmental Management System (EMS).
We regard environmental problem as an important theme of the management and promote the engagement of global environmental concerns which global correspondence is demanded.

Locations Inspection Organization Certificate No. Registration Date Recertification Date Certificate Expiry Copy of certificate
Head quarter
Shin-Yokohama Chuo Building
Aizu Office
Kanagawa Science Park
DQS 491643 UM15 Oct 31 2024 --- Mar 28 2026 Copy of certificate

Environmental Goals

We have established Environmental Goals, which specify target values to be achieved. We are systematically and continuously promoting environmental management activities.

SDGs Targets Activities
sdgs logo sdgs goal Improvement of product energy efficiency
Improving resource conservation in products
sdgs target Implementation of social contribution activities

Environmental Goals

We promote environmental activities based on the following environmental goals.

Categories Items Goals
Climate change Improvement of product energy efficiency Develop at least one type of product each year that is at the top level in terms of energy efficiency
Resource recycling Improving resource conservation in products Develop at least one type of cell area reduction product each year
Social Contribution Implementation of social contribution activities Conduct social contribution activities at least three times a year

Climate Change Responding

Addressing climate change is a common global challenge. We are striving to provide devices and solutions that reduce power consumption to reduce CO2 emissions that cause climate change.

[GHG emissions]

Our GHG emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2) are as follows. We will strive to reduce GHG emissions in our business activities.

FY2022(t-CO2) FY2023(t-CO2)
Scope1 0 0
Scope2 399 423
Total 399 423

Scope1:Direct emissions of greenhouse gases by businesses themselves

Scope2:Indirect emissions from the use of electricity, heat and steam supplied by other companies

Resource Recycling Promoting

In accordance with the Waste Disposal Law, we outsource the disposal of industrial waste discharged from our company for appropriate recycling and strive to promote resource recycling.
In addition, we regularly conduct on-site audits to confirm the status of proper disposal of waste disposal contractors.
We are also actively promoting the development of cell area reduction technology in order to improve product resource conservation.

Biodiversity Conservation Consideration

Our company takes biodiversity conservation into consideration by promoting forest resources conservation by using copy paper containing recycled paper and by melt-recycling confidential documents.

Environmental Education

In order to raise the environmental awareness of all employees, our company conducts general environmental education every year.
Under the themes of "global environmental issues," "importance of environmental management systems (ISO 14001)," and "our environmental activities," each employee understands and recognizes the importance of environmental activities.
We aim to be able to proactively practice efforts for consideration. In addition, we actively promote environmental education, such as conducting environmental education for new employees when they join the company.

Social Contribution Activities

We carry out familiar environmental activities such as vaccine donation activities and disused goods donation activities. We will continue to engage in various activities while valuing our relationship with the local community.

Our Social Contribution Activities

Donation of vaccine by collecting used caps of pet bottle Donation of vaccine by collecting used caps of pet bottle
Donation activities by collecting books and etc. Donation activities by collecting books and etc.