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Quality and Reliability Assurance

  • Quality and Reliability
  • Policy and Quality Assurance System
  • Quality Assurance Program
  • Collaboration with Suppliers
  • Customer Support for Quality
  • Quality Management System
    (ISO9001 Certificate)

Quality and Reliability

RAMXEED's LSIs are used in a variety of fields and play an important role in our customers’ products.
We place the highest priority on product quality and reliability, and we are known for high quality and reliability worldwide. We are working to improve quality and reliability even further in terms of people, processes, and products while strengthening cooperation with manufacturing partner companies.


- Producing high quality through education of personnel
Not only are our staff members highly skilled in various aspects, they are also dedicated to achieving the highest standards of quality and reliability. We realize this by our educational programs which make each employee to acknowledge the importance of achieving the quality and reliability of end products.


- High quality built in at every stage
Maintaining optimal conditions during the processes of product planning, design and development, delivery and after-sales support is the key point to stably supplying high-yield and high-quality LSIs. We perform thorough checks based on strict quality standards at every stage of the process to attain these targets.


- High quality suitable for all sectors of society
Our extensive expertise based on continuous development and improvement of FeRAM technology for more than 20 years enables us to release advanced non-volatile memories that meet a variety of customer needs. We seek to contribute to diverse segments of society by providing highly reliable products created from accomplished and optimized memory solution.

Reliability Scheme

Reliability Scheme




    Realizing a future full of dreams with memory technology.



    The future co-creation partner chosen for its unique technology.



    Specialty & Challenge, Leadership & Teamwork

Quality Policy

  • 1

    Committed to provide QCDES.

    Q=High Quality, C=Low Cost, D=Delivery,E=Environment,S=Speed

  • 2

    Industry leading product value.

    (CSP: Cost/Schedule/Performance)
    High Speed FeRAM、Sensing with wireless power transfer、Low Power FeRAM

  • 3

    Human resources development.

Quality Assurance Program

The Quality Assurance department controls every stage from planning of new product, design, mass-production, to managing customer complaints to supply highly reliable semiconductor products and services to customers.
Our Quality Assurance department functions as the overall center for assuring quality and reliability, and has strong relationships not only with our internal engineering departments but also with the QA dept. at our suppliers.

Quality Assurance System Structure Diagram

Quality Assurance System Structure Diagram


● : Responsible department
〇 : Participating departments

Other activities

■ : Responsible department
□ : Participating departments

← : Route

Quality Assurance Program

Our company conducts evaluations and examinations of semiconductor devices according to our quality assurance program at every stage from market research and planning to design prototype development and mass production.
Creating quality starts from the planning stage for semiconductor devices. We conduct market research to ascertain and analyze customer requirements, incorporate these into product planning and then apply that to quality.
Continuing from the product-planning stage, we incorporate consistent quality in all stages of design, prototype development and mass production.

Quality Assurance Flowchart

Market Research, Product Definition, Development Planning


Development Planning Review (DRO)


Product Design


Pilot Circuit Fabrication


Technical Review (DR1)


Development of Prototype


Product Review (DR2)


Pre-Mass Production


Mass Production Review (DR3)


Mass Production


Mass Production Stability Review (DR4)

Design Reviews

From the time that market research, product planning and development planning are completed until mass production begins, we conduct design reviews at each step of the development stage.
The design review in our Quality Assurance Program is composed of five steps from DR0 to DR4.

Design Review System

Design Review Content
Development Planning Review
The Development Planning Review evaluates the processes, circuits, materials and equipment to be used for the new product.
It also establishes a schedule for DR1, DR2 and DR3.
Technical Review
The results of DR0 determine the basic design for the product characteristics and reliability. Pilot circuits are produced for evaluation, and the basic technology is established. The Technical Review examines this basic design to verify that the development technology is appropriate.
Product Review
Characteristics, functions and reliability of pilot products are verified at this stage. Conditions and specifications for pilot mass production are determined, and other steps are taken to prepare for mass production.
Mass Production Review
Before mass production, product evaluations and Mass Production Approval Tests are conducted on the pre-mass production products. The Mass Production Review confirms the findings of the Mass Production Approval Tests including the specifications and equipment allocations required for mass production, and makes the final decision to begin mass production.
Mass Production Stability Review
Review to confirm stability and long-term reliability of production after starting mass production. Implemented about three months after shipping or approximately 30 lots after starting mass production.

FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)

Review to confirm stability and long-term reliability of production after starting mass production.
Implemented about three months after shipping or approximately 30 lots after starting mass production.

Sample of FMEA Sheet

Sample of FMEA Sheet

Reliability Tests

Process Qualification Test

To ensure the reliability of newly developed technologies, we conduct process qualification using TEGs (Test Element Groups)* for all fundamental failure modes.
*TEG (Test Element Group): A group of elements used to evaluate and identify failure modes.

Process Qualification Test Items

Test Item Factor Main Acceleration Factor
Electromigration Wiring materials, structure, current density Current density, temperature
Stress Migration Wiring materials, structure Temperature, stress
Hot Carrier Injection Transistor structure,distribution of impurities Electric field
Gate Oxide Integrity Structure, oxide film characteristics Electric field, temperature
Negative Bias Temperature Instability Transistor structure,oxide film characteristics Electric field, temperature

Mass Production Approval Tests

These tests are conducted for mass production approval and include technical factors that affect a product's reliability. The tests also consider new technological factors or newly combined technological factors. We use TEG or representative products that relate to actual products by using grouping method of our products.

Mass Production Approval Test Items

Test Item Conditions JEDEC Standard Number Purpose of Test New Process Technology Launch New Assembly Package Technology Launch
High Temperature Operating Life Test* HTOL 125℃ JESD
Evaluates device durability when operated for long periods under high-temperature environments.
Temperature Humidity Bias Life Test* THB 85℃、
Evaluates device durability when operated for long periods in a high-temperature,high-humidity atmosphere.
Temperature Cycling Test* TC -65℃
Evaluates device durability in repeated high and low temperature situations.
Highly Accelerated Stress Test HAST 130℃、
Evaluates durability when device is stored in a bias-charged state in a high-temperature, high-humidity atmosphere.
Unbiased HAST UHAST 130℃、
Evaluates durability when device is stored in a high-temperature, high-humidity atmosphere.
Low Temperature Operating Life Test LTOL -55℃ JESD
Evaluates device durability when operated for long periods under low-temperature environments.
High Temperature Storage Life Test HTSL 150℃ JESD
Evaluates device durability when stored for long periods under high-temperature environments.
Evaluates retention (data retention) characteristics with FeRAM.
Endurance Test Endurance Operation ambient temperature Evaluates durability in repeated writing of data.
Thermal Shock Test TS 0℃~100℃ JESD
Evaluates durability in sudden heat changes.
Early Life Failure Rate Test ELFR 125℃ JESD
Evaluates initial reliability of device use.
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Test
(Human Body Model)
HBM JS-001 Evaluates device durability when static electricity discharges are received by human body model.
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Test
(Charged Device Model)
CDM JS-002 Evaluates device durability when static electricity discharges are received by a device.
IC Latch-up Resistance Test LU JESD78 Evaluates device resistance to latch-up.
Thermal Characterization Evaluates electrical characteristics under low, room, and high temperatures.

(〇:Implemented, △:Optional, -:Not implemented)

* For Surface mount type package, implements tests by adding thermal stress envisioning surface mounting before test.

Design Change, Process Change

When Design change and / or Process Change are proposed internally, a primary review meeting organized by the QA department and other relevant departments is held to study the changes.
In order to confirm that there are no differences in quality and reliability to our existing products, evaluation and qualification tests are performed if needed. The manager of QA department finally approves the changes before the application.
We notify our customers of changes in advance when we judge the changes could affects the products and / or process of customers from the viewpoint of quality, reliability, electrical characteristics, device dimensions, external appearance, and ease-of-use.

Flowchart of Design Change and Process Change

Flowchart of Design Change and Process Change


RAMXEED controls manufacturing logs of all devices from the wafer process to assembling, testing, and shipping so that we can trace the manufacturing history when any problem occurs in the market or manufacturing process of a customer.
Manufacturing history of each device can be identified by the marking on each device package.

Marking Example

Marking Example

Customized Quality Programs to Meet Diverse Customer Requirements

RAMXEED has the customized quality assurance programs which can provide higher quality and higher reliability products to meet diverse customer requirements. These optional programs are optimized to automotive applications or similar high-quality requirement applications in some cases.
These products can usually be identified by a specific parts number such as -GS grading.
Following table shows the example of our specific quality assurance programs.
Please contact us for more details of such customized quality programs.

Special Quality Assurance Support Example

Items of Requirement Content of Requirement
Reliability Evaluation (Qualification) Level Support of AEC-Q100 compliance
Information on Our Quality Control Request of PPAP contents supply
(FMEA, control plan, MSA, and others)
Requirements of Our Suppliers Requirement of obtaining IATF16949 certification
Other Requirements Request of quality targeted Low FIT rate, low ppm, optional screening

Collaboration with Suppliers

RAMXEED, a design and development company of electronics devices has a strong relationship with suppliers such as wafer manufacturers and package assembly makers. We collaborate to improve our products in terms of quality, engineering, price, stable supply and CSR* in order to satisfy our customers.
*CSR:Corporate Social Responsibility

Collaboration with Suppliers

Selecting and Certifying of Suppliers

For manufacturing of high-quality products, the suppliers to which we outsource wafer manufacturing, and packaging for our products are very important. Therefore, we carefully decide and certify the suppliers.
First stage is the selection stage. At this stage, we decide candidates for supplier through three steps, candidate selection, a capital investigation, and a technical investigation.
After selecting the candidate, we shift to the second stage, certification stage. At this stage, we can begin to certify the candidate through four-steps, a prototype technology evaluation, a reliability evaluation, conclusion of purchasing specification (including an agreement on Quality Assurance), and finally an audit, for certification.
If the candidate is approved by the audit, we certify the company as a supplier.

Selecting and Certifying of Suppliers

Supplier Management at Mass Production

RAMXEED outsources manufacturing of our products to certified suppliers. In controlling mass production at this stage, we conduct continuous monitoring, measurements, and analysis of the supplier through monthly reports, quality meetings, complaint support and abnormal control activities. Furthermore, we evaluate and rate our suppliers quality based on the results of their performance. And also we conduct periodic audits, special audits, and give them feedback.

Supplier Management Flowchart

Supplier Management Flowchart

Customer Support for Quality

RAMXEED has continued to supply detailed support for product quality to ensure a stable supply of high-quality products.

An example is failure analysis. If any failure by our products occurs at the customer side after shipping, we investigate the failed device to find the root cause. Then we implement countermeasures against the cause, and take corrective action to prevent the same failure recurring. The failure analysis report to the customer includes the above status, the cause of failure, countermeasure, and corrective action etc. We provide feedback internally to improve quality and reliability of products. In addition, RAMXEED responds to customer requests such as providing of quality and reliability data, and cooperating with factory audits.

Customer Quality Support Diagram



Sales Company / Distributer

Sales Company / Distributer


Quality Assurance Dept.


Production and Control Dept.

Business Partners

(Manufacturing Outsourcing)


Request/Reply Route

Failure Analysis

RAMXEED carefully analyzes all products returned from customers as failures. After an initial check on external appearance and electrical characteristics, we investigate the cause of the failure. When we specify the root cause, we implement countermeasures against the cause, and take corrective action to prevent the same failure from recurring.

RAMXEED provides feedback on the failure analysis information to not only our internal engineering Dept. but also suppliers to improve the quality and reliability of the final product.

Failure Analysis Flowchart

Failure Analysis Flowchart

Quality Management System (ISO9001)

RAMXEED acquired the certification of ISO9001 which is the international standard for Quality Management System (QMS).

ISO9001: Certification

Company Name and Location ISO Standard Number Date of Certification Date of Expiration Certificate Registration Number Certification Body
Fujitsu Semiconductor Memory Solution Limited (Shin-Yokohama TECH Building) ISO9001-2015 June 19, 2012
(February 8, 2024) *1
(December 5, 2003) *2
June 4, 2027 491643 QM15 DQS

*1 Date updated
*2 Initial date of certification

ISO9001 Certificate

ISO9001 Certificate
ISO9001 Certificate